Last night I dreamt of David Niven and trains. I have a lot of train dreams. Anxiety apparently. In this dream of trains, about catching the right one and waiting around the train station a lot, I eventually ended up at Birmingham NEC. The NEC had become the home of the United Nations and I found myself in a large lecture filled with men and women in suits with headphones on listening to the translation of the main speaker. I was being shown the ropes of a new job by David Niven and a very elegant and elderly lady. The job involved catering and routine stuff like sorting out headphones and other basic requirements of the delegates. I was dressed quite simply. I felt young, like I was doing a summer job. In the dream I ate some muffins. I could taste them in my sleep and I didn't like it one bit. My blood sugar must have fallen during the night. And there was something about the staff helping themselves to things, as a perk of the job but I can't remember what these things were.
So what does David Niven mean to me? What does he mean to you?
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