Monday, 26 March 2007


The story of the talking painting didn't end yesterday. When I woke this morning, I didn't want to go to work and I was full of resentment and confusion and embarrassment. I managed to muster up the good sense to apologise to this "inner child" regardless of being annoyed by the fact it "exists". Got it. Gotta deal with it.

The thing I've not mentioned so far is that I'm in a 12 step recovery programme. I go to the meeting this evening and share on this incident. God only knows why cos I feel like a total twat at the end of it, but I'm very accepting of the fact that I'm a total twat. And who is sitting next to me? A total stranger who has worked on this issues for years and now makes a living helping others through inner child therapy. It was like three cherries in a row and the sweet sound of legal tender. Plus she gives a good hug.

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