Friday, 23 March 2007

A Costly Mistake

A friend "leant" me her builder to do some repairs on my house on the weekends whilst he worked at hers during the week. The idea was to do a few jobs, but the plans grew on her "advice". She's a professional developer. The builder turned out to be a drunk and a bit crap. He eventually stole from her and did a runner in the middle of the work at my house. The full extent of his crappiness and her lack of judgement was revealed when a competent builder came to quote for the work to finish. It's left me feeling bitter, disappointed and fearful that the bill to put the mess right will be quite large.

The incident has taught me a number of things:
Trust myself. I wasn't impressed when he turned up smelling of booze but I made a whole host of excuses for it and the worst was, "She'd never employ someone who had a problem."
Don't use trust in others as an cop out for taking responsibility.
Be strong. He's f'd up my blue brick walkway. I should have kicked his arse as soon as I spotted it.
Don't be greedy. The most pertinent point. He was too cheap.

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