Sunday, 22 July 2007

Working my programme

I’ve been going to OA meetings on and off for just over a year and although things have improved, I haven’t embraced the programme fully. I’ve reached my rock bottom and it’s not around the food but it’s around my feelings. I’ve been listening to a lot of Wayne Dyer’s work and he talks about the root of addiction lying in having “justified” resentments when in fact there are no justified resentments and that the key to getting well is to recognise the truth in that and to let them go, otherwise I’m just going to keep going round and round in circles and waiting for something in the future to get better and then life will be ok. I’ll lose 3 stone and then I’ll be ok. I’ll change jobs and then I’ll be ok. I’ll study for a diploma I don’t want and when I get it, I’ll be sorted. I’ll wait until people like me, then I’ll have succeeded as a person. Bollocks

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